So far, I have written two essays in my tenth grade English class. The first one was an in-class short story literary essay and the second one was related to the themes of Antigone. In both essays I had my strengths and weaknesses, which I can hopefully improve on by the end of the school year.
Strengths: Usually when I write about a topic that interests me and that I am passionate about, I can write more and connect more with it, which, overall, makes my writing better. Overtime, I've become better at including examples in my essay to help with the reader's understanding. I feel like this has become one of my strengths. I am also quite good at coming up with lots of ideas (but that can sometimes be a problem) and I can develop them pretty well! When it comes to grammar, spelling, and punctuation, I usually do well and have no problems! Just need to pay attention to my weaknesses!
Weaknesses: One problem I've always had with my essays is including advanced and difficult vocabulary. I always use simple words and don't usually have a variety. This is one of my major weaknesses, which I really have to work on. Another significant weakness is that I'm not always able to develop my ideas in an organized and coherent way and keep one idea per paragraph. I tend to include information that sometimes doesn't relate to the topic sentence or thoughts being conveyed in the paragraph. Lastly, I do not always go into depth with my arguments and information. I think that if I really focus on those weaknesses I can definitely improve by the end of the year, and in the future, as I write more and more essays and work on different types of formal writing.